FAQ - Artwork Information Requirements

Though a beautiful image can sometimes sell a work of art on its own, a complete, accurate description is often times just as essential. Our customers not only need to know the materials and size of your piece, they also love hearing about your techniques and inspiration.

Though the specifics vary from medium to medium, the following should be included in every product description:

  • All materials that make up the piece (as specifically as possible)
  • All pertinent dimensions (height, width, depth, etc.)
  • Techniques used to make the piece
  • The ideas or inspiration behind the work, or any special information relevant to its creation

Beyond these common points, some categories of artwork require more detailed information:

Metal art
  • What metal(s) make up the piece
  • Whether it is oxidized, patinated, or treated in some other way
  • Whether any special care is required to keep it in its intended condition
Wood art
  • What species of wood(s) make up the piece
  • Whether it is made from solid wood, composite wood, veneer, etc.
Fiber art
  • All fabrics/materials that make up the piece, listed in order of predominance.
  • If a piece is meant to be worn, be very detailed about your sizing information and what sizes are available.
Art Jewelry
Prints, Drawings, and Photography